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single speed -

If you're like me, the first time you threw your leg over a fixed-gear you got hooked. But if you're like a lot of other people the first time that you may have thrown your leg over a fixed-gear you may have thought this is weird, like why wouldn't you want to want to coast? I hate this… I literally hate this.. Fixed isn't for everyone and that's where single speed bikes come in. A single speed bike is just that. A bike with a single gear. The difference between a single speed bike and a fixed gear bike is...

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Fixed Gear -

There is no doubt that one of the best feelings a cyclist can have is the “New bike day” but we also know that unless you have the best sponsorship deal there just so many bikes you can add to you N+1, so the second best thing to do is definitely upgrade “1’s” we already have. Truth be told upgrading a bike can sometimes be as expensive as a new one depending on the components and bling we wanna add to it but we don’t always have to break the bank in order to get that satisfaction, even if temporarily....

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One question every cyclist made at least once in their riding life is: “What frame size should I get” Getting the right sizing seems to be a mix of black magic and exact science. With so many different guides online and formulas, it’s easy to get discouraged when riding this road.   Choosing the right frame size is really important, after all, no one wants to look like a grown man on a kids bike or vice-versa. The comfort of your ride will most of the time depend on the right fitting even more so than the right saddle or...

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Fixie -

9 Best reasons to buy a fixie bike In this blog, we are going to go over 9 best reasons to get a fixie bike. Of course, there are plenty more that we forgot to mention, so let us know the comments below the one we forgot. Design! Fixie bikes have been around for many years and they have a timeless design that will turn heads. Light! They are light, there is no complicated heavy shifting mechanism, no suspension, making fixie bikes much lighter Reliable! Since there is no shifting mechanism or suspension, fixie bikes are basically maintenance free and...

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We all know why we fell in love with riding fixed gear. The simplicity of riding, the aesthetic appeal, the simple mechanic making it almost maintenance free.  And if for some, like myself, it was the clean look that made you change modalities of even start riding for the first time you soon realized there is a lot more to a fixed gear. Building a fixed gear might seem simple at first but exactly because of its simplicity there is a lot less room for mistake, one simple component can throw off an entire building, which brings me to my...

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